COVID-19 — Queries and Doubts

Dinesh Kumar P
13 min readJun 13, 2020


Common man queries about COVID-19 to lead day to day the life…

Every common man in this world is daunting with this Coronavirus Pandemic situation in the year 2020. Each one of us has a different set of doubts while living in our day to day life. For those doubts and queries, we make decisions based on the information around us like news channels, social media forwards, etc. But my kid’s pediatrician Dr. R. Manish Kumar Jain spends his personal time to dispel misinformation regarding COVID-19.

All the queries, fears asked to him are addressed back by him in a WhatsApp group. In this blog, I am consolidating them here, considering that this would help others as a resource center.


To boost kids’ immunity what should be given to them?


Breast milk is the best immune booster for infants. For older infants and children please include lemon/ lemon zest or amla daily in their diet. Add mangoes daily. Strictly avoid sugar. For people above the age of 12, they can take Siddha preparation called Kaba sura kudineer. Not for pregnant and lactating women.


Should we keep wearing a mask even inside the office? Can we take multivitamin tab / gaadha siddah wala.


· U can remove the mask only if u are alone. Do not repeatedly keep touching the mask.

· Kaba sura kudineer can be taken by people above 12 years.

· Amla/ lemon and mangoes are better than tablets.


Is it mandatory to take a bath after a visit to the office even for a few hours? I go for 2–3 hours and wash thoroughly both mouth and hand with soap and legs with water. In between, I use sanitizer and soap to wash hands in office.


Bathing is extra protection. Also, it keeps us mentally sane that we are not spreading the disease to our family.


If a mother has corona…for eg. Say I have corona n baby is on exclusive bf still…then what steps to be taken n if I isolate myself then wat bout the baby who is still small n needs me.


The harsh reality is you and your baby will be separated and baby will be shifted to formula feeding. Also, the baby will be tested for COVID. World health organization however recommends continuation of breastfeeding.


Can we spray sanitizer on the cloth after return from the office.


It may be beneficial but not 100% protective.


How long does the virus stay on fruits n veggies if a person affected touches it?? And what measures to be taken for precaution??


There is no clear cut scientific data but the report suggests that the virus stays approximately up-to 96 hours on wood. Wash all vegetables and fruits in warm water.


Is it true that the maximum use of sanitizer kills even the good bacteria?


Sanitizer kills almost all living organisms when exposed to appropriate doses.

8.Question: How often are we supposed to drink warm water in a day … dosage of drinking it n how?


Drink water if u are thirsty. Not at fixed times. If u are drinking warm water then stick to it. Do not keep changing the temperature as it will create a sore throat and create panic.


Drinking of turmeric milk is healthy n how often one should intake it?


Turmeric contains natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. I would suggest you take one glass turmeric milk before bed. But it is not preventive medicine. Rather it is a cure. Take only if you have respiratory symptoms.

10. Question:

Drinking of warm water with lemon in d morning advisable can we make kids n infant have warm water in d morning with or without lemon?


Lemon has vitamin C which helps in improving immunity. There is no data to suggest warm water and lemon together give additional help. Children can have lemon or amla daily for vitamin c.


Having milk tea a better option or green tea?


All caffeine-containing products are harmful. Green tea is an antioxidant. Regular tea with milk is a caffeine boost.

12. Question:

Does driving in sun heat kills the virus if it had come from dust or from any droplets hung in the air while driving.


No such evidence exists as Covid19 is an extremely heat resistant virus.


I wash fruits and vegetables with soap and water every time and after then how long do I need to keep them before consuming and when can I store them in the refrigerator?


You can wash with warm water and consume. I am not aware of the duration before keeping in the refrigerator. There is no data on this.


What precautions can we take when starting our business in this Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation?


· Prepare a handwashing area just outside your point of entry.

· All customers should wear a mask.

· Try to have zero physical contact with your customers.

· Make sure all your employees are educated regarding personal hygiene.

· Once u close down, wash your hands before entering your home.

· Enter straight into the washroom and take a bath with hot water.

· Dip all your clothes in hot water with soap.

· Use sanitizer in between customers.

· If you have to handle cash, make sure u don’t bring any to your home.

· Make sure you are controlling chronic diseases like diabetes.


In case if someone does not get the smell of something, or doesn’t find any taste when he/she has the food. Is this one of the symptoms of coronavirus ??


It is a very rare symptom of Covid19. It is always associated with cold/ cough and fever.


Where can I get this kaba sura kudineer?


It’s available in many medical shops. Consumption of Kaba sura kudineer, advice by a naturopathy practitioner :

· Mix one teaspoon of powder in a glass (200ml) of water and boil it till it reduces to 50 ml. Drink empty stomach twice a day for 3 days. Next 7 days don’t drink it. Repeat.

· Make sure u are taking care of your diabetes, renal diseases, and hypertension.

· All hypertensive/diabetic / renal disease patients and people on any chronic medicine for any pathy need to consult your doctor before taking Kaba sura kudineer.

Also, I am trying to find out if it can be given to children below 12, but unable to get concrete literature yet.


If I have a mild cold say from the past 2 days and if even after taking basic medicine, I don’t feel any major difference, then should I go for covid19 testing?


No need to get tested unless you have a fever of more than 100•F for 3 consecutive days. Let your physician decide.


Should we isolate ourselves if we have mild cold and sore throat but no fever.


No need to isolate. Wear a mask at all times even at home and repeated hand washing.


If someone has symptoms like COVID n goes to the hospital, then how much time does it take to know whether the person is positive or not.


Most labs issue reports within 24–48 hours.


There is news in Hindustan times that primary contacts of asymptomatic patients are not being tested. There is a COVID positive asymptomatic case in my relative. The government took samples of family members. After 48 hours today, they informed that all family members are negative and they didn’t give any report. Are there any chances that they wouldn’t have tested since relative is asymptomatic. I’m worried about a few of their family members are having other health issues. Should I ask them to get check-in private labs?


There is a clear protocol in Tamilnadu. If u are Covid19 positive, all your household contacts will be tested. You can opt to do the test in private also. If these people turn out negative, then they will not be informed. Only people whose test is positive are contacted. Also please don’t do panic testing. If u have symptoms Pl visit your physician. Let him decide regarding the need for Covid19 testing.


Is COVID 19 is risky for life??


Yes. Any person who has risk factors has a higher chance of death. As far as Tamilnadu goes, we have excellent health infrastructure. The current death rate is 0.6–0.7%. Which is very low.


Can coronavirus spread through the air?


Yes. Droplets can cause the spread of disease through air. That’s y we are advised to wear masks all the time.


Does it spread looking @ eyes or with hand touching eyes


Covid19 doesn’t spread just by looking. But it can spread from the hand by contact.


How long it stays in the air when a person sneezes?


No conclusive studies improve duration. It has been detected up-to 8 hours already. But not conclusive.


Does the mask in the car need? If alone & any issue if we wear a mask for a long time.


Better to wear mask when u are going out. Mask can be removed if you are alone. But please remember if u sneeze in a car you have a high chance of spreading to another person using the car.

26. Question:

Does COVID 19 spread from the place where an infected person had slept.


Yes. That is why the government does sterilization of your home if anyone is Covid19 positive.


What is the food we eat that can lead to mild cough? Can ghee or sweets lead to cough say 3–4 times a day?


Sugar is known to decrease the immunity of the throat. I am not sure about ghee.


What are the precaution to be taken if we get fever bcoz normally corona test is been done after 3 days only and it takes another 1 or 2 days for a result which means we already been at home for 4 to 5 days with corona if it gets positive by this time the whole family may get affected.


If you have a fever, you need to isolate yourself immediately. Do a teleconsultation with your family doctor. If fever is more than 102, go to a doctor immediately.


For patients who are taken to govt hospitals for treatment….what about al the things they carry with them? Are they disposed of after they are negative or what is the procedure??


Pl carry clothes, snacks, utilities, phone, charger, some money. Things which u usually carry for a short trip. You will either be discharged once you are asymptomatic or you are Covid19 negative. If you are asymptomatic they will give you an option for home quarantine of you have the facility. U will need to remain Locked up for 4 weeks.


Does COVID spreads only through saliva or sneezing etc . Or by touching infected person also it’s spreads


Covid19 can spread through body fluids as well as the virus can stay on many things from few hours to few days.


When a person has a fever, dry cough n body pain, and throat pain from 2 days.. and 3rd-day mild cough n throat pain without other symptoms, then is it necessary to isolate ??


Yes. Better to isolate for 48 hours. By that time either you will recover or you will develop additional symptoms.


Is it okay to visit saloons, if yes what are the major precautions to be taken?


As of now please avoid salons.


Cleaning the steel vessels of an isolated person due to fever does spread? If it’s washed immediately by another person then what will be the case?

Answer: all utensils and clothes should not be touched by any other person if you are in-home quarantine.


Heard there are few cases of COVID who tested positive without showing any symptoms. If it’s true how would we know?


Above 50% of all cases of Covid19 are asymptomatic individuals. If you have come in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid19 then please get tested. No other way to know for sure.


If we come to know we have come in contact with covid19 person then when should v go for testing after symptoms appear or when?


If u have come in direct contact with a person with COVID u have two options.

1. Quarantine yourself at home for two weeks and get tested if symptoms appear.

2. Quarantine yourself at home for one week and get tested in a private lab.

36. Question:

For a patient to be COVID positive does he need to have all the symptoms of cough, cold, or fever?


More than 50% of all Covid19 patients will be asymptomatic and more than 80% will have only mild symptoms.


Is there any chance of getting coronavirus again once if v r effected once to it?


Yes. There are multiple strains of the virus. However, symptoms will be milder. Although evidence of reinfection is not scientifically validated.


1. It is said that medicine or vaccines are not available for this pandemic than how could we hear people are getting cured and their subsequent test results are coming as negative?


Covid19 is a viral fever and like all viral fevers, the body learns to fight back within 3–14 days.


Do they get any medicine after their initial test which showed positive?


Symptomatic treatment is given along with vitamins.


How do we know that the cough is COVID or a normal cough?


For patients with severe symptoms, it will be a dry severe cough with breathing difficulty and chest discomfort. For mild to moderate Covid19, it’s impossible to know.


Sir if a person comes in contact with any covid19 person n got fever cough or any other symptoms n he/she goes to general doctor n take medicines then everything gets normal after 2 or 3 days. N So after that also we have to test or what to do?


Usually, the test is not needed. Even if your symptoms subside, please visit your physician and let him decide the further course of action.


Do asymptomatic patients get cured by themselves? Or do they need medication?


Treatment of most viral infections is proper hydration, a healthy diet, and rest.


It’s regarding mask, can one protect himself by using cotton stitched mask or by 3 ply mask or by N95 mask only.


For routine use, a cloth mask is enough. For hospital use 3 ply and N95 are recommended.


Giving vitamin c tabs to kids advisable to increase immunity.


Nature has given us lemon and amla. Why do we need tablets?


We are hearing that the treatment/isolation in private hospitals is very costly, costs up to 8lakhs. What is the best place in private which is good and pocket friendly ???


Cost ranges between 2–15 Laksh depending on patient condition. Apollo vanagram, Miot hospital, and Mehta Hospital are good options In Chennai.


Is government hospital isolation is equally good ??


Government isolation units are reasonably good.


Mediclaim insurance is applicable to COVID 19 ???




If gents going to buy fruit, veg, or they going to office after come back home they take a bath n to soak their clothes in water with detergent, after an hour if the lady washes their cloth then the lady can b affect or not…


Better to soak overnight. Please avoid housemaids for now.


If a child below 6 years gets COVID 19, will the child kept in the hospital without their parents or parents allowed with them.


The child is usually separated from parents if parents are asymptomatic until their report comes or negative. Nowadays there is a home quarantine option too.

50. Question:

How many days will it take to recover the child from COVID 19?


Usually 3–14 days


How long we can use the N95 mask and in which intervals the same needs to be replaced?


N95 is not recommended for routine use.


If a thermometer is used by a fevered person in the current situation can another person use that same digital thermometer.


Yes. After proper sterilization


Usually how long can we use a normal cotton mask😷???Meaning how many days???


Cotton masks can be used daily after washing. There is no fixed number of days. Although a simple test would be to wear a mask and try to blow a candle. If it doesn’t blow off, then your mask is OK.


What diet should be given now to kids and adults?


Regular home based vegetarian diet with additional lime/ amla + mango + green leafy vegetables.


Is having a pet(dogs) transmit or bring corona to home ???


There is no evidence to suggest that dogs or cats as being carriers of the virus although it’s too early to tell.


If a person goes to office and when he comes home back he takes a shower, so what if he keeps his clothes aside and the next morning his wife takes his clothes and put in the washing machine.. can we do this or put that clothes in warm water and then after few hours put them to dry?


It will be better if the clothes are washed by the person himself before taking a bath or at least dip in hot water overnight.


What if I have a doubt that I might have come in contact with a person with coronavirus what should I do?


Stay indoors for two weeks and get tested if you develop symptoms during the two weeks.


Is it necessary for kids to wear a mask if they go to public places or hospital visits? What about infants?


Yes. Mask can be protective as high as 75%. If possible avoid taking kids outside.


We have a patient who is apparently positive and in-home quarantine in our building just below our floor. We are really worried especially if it will spread through the air. We also have a 3year old kid.pls advice. Also, there is no proper info on the reports of his family members and whether he himself is definitely positive or not.


Please call him and confirm whether he is actually positive or not. Make sure all his family members are tested and the whole family is quarantined. All the people living in this particular building should self-quarantine for two weeks and get tested if you develop symptoms.


We are having to cross his house each time we go to get water cans from ground floor.or while throwing garbage etc. How to ensure our safety?


If for any reason u need to come out, wear a mask, do not touch the lift or railings, wash hands up-to elbow as soon as u reach home.


Also can we leave the windows open? As houses are congested and they are living just below our floor.


No problem with leaving the windows open.


How can we clean or keep currency notes brought from out or office?


Avoid handling cash as much as possible. You can directly collect it in a box and leave it alone for a week without touching.

If you have any queries regarding Covid19 or you wish to join the group, please message on WhatsApp only.

Dr. R. Manish Kumar Jain

WHATSAPP no. 9884817212.


Such a conversation with his patients and friends avoids all social stigma associated with COVID-19. It also reduces the anxiety of others. Finally, a great thanks to Dr.Manish!

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. This information is provided solely for non-profit public health, educational purposes. You may decline to accept or rely on these answers upon your own wish.



Dinesh Kumar P
Dinesh Kumar P

Written by Dinesh Kumar P

Product @Kissflow | Microsoft MVP - Data Platform | Low code & No code passionate

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